Sunday, September 23, 2007

Ok, so I have realized that blogs are no good if you don't ever use them. So here goes. Mike and I are in our fourth week of the horrendous jr. core, and we are incredibly busy, but we couldn't be happier. Our classes are great, and every couple of weeks we get free dinner at one of our professors or administrator's houses, which is pretty cool. The exciting news of the past little bit is that I finally got to meet Mike's brother David. He got home from his mission to Georgia right after school started and he made a trip out to see us last week, which was really fun. I think we convinced him of how wonderful BYU is, so maybe in a couple of months we will have family in Provo again, since a certain family member deserted to stupid oregon... Well, that is about it.

Oh, and Mike says, "I am siiiiick."