Sunday, October 14, 2007


So with school our lives are pretty boring. In fact, the highlight of our week is pretty much just the office and chuck (not the gay guy in legally blonde, but the new tv series - it's no office, but it has some good parts). Speaking of the office, we have been somewhat disappointed in the new season. Some parts are great (like the mercy killing of a cat, holding the pizza boy hostage, and Michael running over Meredith), but the other stuff has just been lame fillers. Other than that all we do is work and school and both seem to be going great.

Mike says, "Meow." (he does a really good cat impression - sometimes he does it too much)

1 comment:

lisa said...

you guys watch chuck? that looks like the lamest show in the universe. we flipped through the channels and watched part of it and it was freaking GAY... kinda like the protests here i guess (if you don't get that joke read your other comments). the acting was so sub-par (yeah that's right, us STUPIDOS here in eugene use words like SUB-PAR). on another note, can't wait to see you next week!