Monday, June 16, 2008


I know this is a day late, but I didn't get the chance to blog yesterday, so it will have to do.

Happy Father's Day!

I thought I would take this opportunity to share my appreciation for the two most important Mikes in my life. Mike Spuhler, my amazing Dad, and Mike Perley, my amazing husband.

I feel so grateful to have such a wonderful Dad. He has taught me so much and has given me a great example to model my life after. I have always wanted to marry someone just like my dad, and I am so grateful that I was able to.

I also feel incredibly grateful to be married to Mike. He is my best friend, my study buddy, my motivator, my favorite entertainment, but most importantly he is my eternal companion. I look forward to becoming a parent with Mike, and I know he will be an excellent Dad.

I love you Mikes!

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