Thursday, April 23, 2009


Finals are over and we are FREE!

I spent my first day of freedom scrubbing our apartment down and throwing out everything from this past semester. It was so relaxing and I love having our apartment back to sparkling clean. Plus there is just something very cathartic about throwing out all your assignments and then scrubbing stuff. It definitely relieved all the tension from this past semester and finals.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

winner, winner, chicken dinner

Last week I was procrastinating doing homework and I found a whole bunch of quizzes on a blog I follow, so I started doing them. They were all about fashion/beauty and I had no idea what I was doing, but it was fun to guess. A bunch of the quizzes also enter you into different contests, which I didn't care about, but I figured they would waste my time just as well as the others, so I did them too.

Then yesterday I got an email saying I had won... a designer dress from Saks worth $295!
Crazy huh?

Unfortunately the dress isn't quite modest enough, so I will either sell it or give it away.

Here is a picture - isn't it pretty?


scooter + pouring rain + ride home from campus = 2 very wet people