Sunday, March 2, 2008

Red Robin

Last night we went to Red Robin to grab a quick dinner before we had some fellow Coloradans over for games and dessert. This normally wouldn't be anything to write about, but we had a very unusual experience. Just as we were finishing up our dinner our waitress came over to inform us that someone had paid our check for us. We were both quite surprised since we hadn't seen anyone we knew at the restaurant. On our way out we looked around trying to find the culprit so we could thank them, but our attempt was unsuccessful. So, to whomever the mysterious culprit may be - thank you for a wonderful act of kindness and a great dinner!


Hafen girls story club said...

How nice, now that's a great date! I hope you're doing well, I miss visiting teaching you!

Lindy said...

Um, that was me. I paid for your dinner. Just kidding. :) How fun of someone to do that for you!

I do think all we student couples must know your secret to getting meals paid for anonymously though. Please share what you were wearing, if you seemed happy or sad, whether or not you winked at any other customers. Any clues will help.

lisa said...
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lisa said...

man, nice break! i'm your own sister and i don't think i'd grab your check :) hee hee. so that blog template site is: