Wednesday, March 5, 2008


I was tagged by Lisa to share stuff all about my husband and I...

What is his name? Michael Justin Perley

How long have you been together? We have been married for about a year and a half.

How long did you date? Much like Lisa, we dated for 3 months before we were engaged and we were engaged for about 3 months. This may seem quick, but in our defense we knew after 2 weeks that we were going to get married, so we really waited a rather long time...

Who eats more? Usually Mike, but the night we got engaged I matched him bite for bite at Rodizio's. We were both too full after dinner to go on the romantic walk around Salt Lake that he had planned, but it was well worth it.

Who said I love you first? Mike did. He was too chicken to say it in English so the first few times he said it in Finnish, knowing that I had no idea what he was saying.

Who is taller? Mike - 6'1"

Who is smarter? That is a tough question. If you go by performance on tests, then I am. If you go by who says the least amount of stupid stuff, he definitely is.

Who does the laundry? We usually do the laundry together, so both of us.

Who does the dishes? Mike does the dishes with me on Saturday, but during the week I do them by myself.

Who sleeps on the right? He does, but he claims that I try to infringe upon his side almost nightly. I don't believe it.

Who pays the bills? Most of them just come out of our account automatically (an amazing modern convenience), but he usually takes care of the rest of them.

Who mows the lawn? If we were privileged enough to have one, he would mow it.

Who cooks dinner? I do, but with school and work it is pretty rare.

Who drives? Mike does because I apparently drive too slowly.

Who is more stubborn? That would be me.

Who kissed who first? He kissed me. On the first date. I ran away (according to him).

Who asked out who first? I guess technically I asked him out first. We had been talking/flirting in our class for a while and talking online a ton, but he wasn't asking me out and I was getting frustrated. So, I invited him over for a study group (a legitimate one) and things just went from there.

Who proposed? He did. He took me to the Bunny Hop (a carnival thing in Bountiful), then to Rodizio's for dinner. When we got back to his apartment he put a movie in that he had made. It was modeled after the Mastercard commercials, so it went through our first date and special things we had done together and listed how much they had cost (remember, we are accountants and we like numbers...) and then at the end it said "spending an eternity with you... priceless." When I looked over at him he was on one knee holding the ring. It was perfect!

Who has more siblings? Mike does by far. He has 2 brothers and 6 sisters. I have a brother and 2 sisters.

Who wears the pants? We both do in our own ways. But if I had my choice I would live in skirts - they are way more comfortable.


D-lyn said...

Took your challenge! Check it out at
It was fun and revealing LOL!

Alissa said...

Kristi tell Mike that the way he asked you to marry him is one of the coolest ways I have ever heard. Good job!